Watts Cookin’ and Holistic Living
A Conceptual Artist’s way of re-balancing Candida while learning how to honor the world, love life, create tradition, and genuinely connect with great people. You’re invited to join my community of healing humans.
Collard Green Veggie Wrap with Kale, Red Leaf Lettuce, Celery, Onion, Leaks, Sunflower Seeds, and Jalapeño,
For the past eleven years, I’ve been very intimately studying diet and body re-balancing due to a persistent Candida overgrowth challenge. I’ve had to learn the symptoms of the infection, the signs it’s gone in the re-balancing process, and the signs it’s returning after jumping back into an American diet. I’ve had to completely change my understanding of food and how I respond to the communication my body shares with me. I haven’t arrived, but I’ve been on the path for a while, now. I have the desires to be fully Eco-Kosher one day. This shares what I’ve learned and offers my services to help people. If you have talked with a holistic nutritionist and have been notified that you have Candida, I could help. I offer program suggestions, products, recipes, consultation support during the cleanse. Killing Candida in your body is traumatic and getting all the help you can better secures your success in Re-Balancing it.
Vegan Buckwheat Seed Powerpall
The Candida Care Package and Coaching
After eight years of winning and failing in my effort to balance my Candida and keep it balanced, I have collected a regimen of certain products that allow me to love life, still, even on an incredibly difficult and restricted diet. These products are not always easy to find. In the future, you will be able to sign up for a monthly package that includes a variety of these favorite products of mine. Having the right food, supplements, and products available is key to re-balancing our internal ecosystems and live a healthier life. This service is to make balancing Candida easier. Watts is available for Cleanse Coaching from the perspective of a survivor and conqueror of Candida, as well as person who has failed. My journey with Candida is real. I‘m eight years in my healing journey. If you're just starting, I have a lot of wisdom to share. Reach out. nickyjmail@yahoo.com
Vegan Cornless Cornbread with Tomato and Jalapeno
Watts Cookin’ and Friends
Watts Cookin’ and Friends is a cookbook I’m working on that includes tips on how to live a clean, healthy, and holistic life. In addition to my own recipes, I joined forces with some of my favorite people to live a life in which cooking and nourishment is something that is shared with community and builds human connection. The people who have partnered with me on this book have taught me a great deal about cooking, taste, experimentation, and life. I hope to pass that wisdom and kindheartedness to you. Some of the recipes include Cornless Cornbread, shown above, salads, Thai dishes, pumpkin risotto, pancakes, stirfrys, Thai dishes, and more. Each of the dishes are both Candida balancing and vegan. This book is in progress. Please inquire with any questions or to contribute in any way.
A Way of Life
There’s a concept in Judaism that says our purpose on Earth is to heal the word experiencing joy while we do so, as to spread the energy of joyfulness. It’s called Tikkun Olam and is my goal to fully live in this purpose. I’m early in the game, but playing.
Part of how I’m striving to do so is through a movement called Eco Kosher. It’s very similar to Intersectional Veganism. The belief under Eco Kosher is that if the rules of Kosher were in part to be kindest to animals, which is a raw intention of Kosher, than the evolution of Kosher would believe that the level of kindness shown to animals needs to be expanded into the Earth and all human beings. This movement teaches that every choice we make in our lives: where we spend our money, what food we eat, and how we treat people should be chosen in the kindest manner possible to everyone impacted, including the Earth. Eco Kosher believes we have the responsibility to heal the world, we have the responsibility to speak up against abusers of the world to protect it and the people on it, and we have the responsibility to make sure each and every decision that we make harms as little as possible. It’s a huge order and each day I try to consider my actions in this manner. For more information visit: http://www.shtiebel.net/ecoheksher/.
Part of Re-Balancing the body and becoming healthy involves removing chemicals from our environment as well as our internal body. The company, Norwex, is one of the ways in which I recommend removing toxic cleaning supplies and products from our homes, vehicles, and work places. Their products provide an environmentally friendly, animal friendly, kindness consciousness, and sustainable solution to everyday problems in our physical world. I’ll be updating this page to include shopping of the products. To purchase their products through my store, visit: